With a take off height of 1200m asl and landing at 800m asl, surrounded by mountains forming an arena type valley system and a weather forecaster's worse nightmare.
With a total of 62 pilots and an entry fee of R350 for the early birds and R400 for on the line entries, the competition had entertainment arranged for 3 out of the 5 days ranging from the venues as far a field as Agnes mine club to the Old Rock in town all very well attended.
Task 1
With an air start around Abbots hill, followed by the last bend in ZigZag's then out to the flats next to the Slime dam's back to launch heading into a strengthening NE wind, followed by the Private hospital and Abbot's hill again and goal at the Golf course, total 27.6km, height gains up to 1800m asl
With 3 pilots shooting the gun and taking the start 10 min early the rest of the field followed on time, only two pilots in goal but both had admin problems. 1st Anton N, 2nd François D and 3rd Andrew S
Task 2
With an air start around Abbots hill, followed by Agnes mine, the last bend in ZigZag's then Agnes mine again then back to the tower on white rocks which was now in the lee of a strong E wind, out to the water tower in town and goal at the golf course, total 30.3 km, height gains up to 2000m asl
With a number of pilots getting the worse of the E wind only a hand full made goal - 1st Jay VD, 2nd John N and 3rd Jonathan D
Day 3
Very good flying conditions if you were one of the lucky 11 competition pilots to take off! - task not valid, height gains up to 2300m asl
Task 3
With an air start around the now famous Abbots hill, followed by a 2km radius around the lookout tower at the back of ZigZag's, back to the look-out tower on white rocks, giving pilots the option of using the front or back routes and goal on the other side of the valley across the flats at Ecklands, some pilots making use of a fire to get to goal. total 34.2km, height gains up to 1800m asl
A large number of pilots going down over the flat lands as conditions were very slow, 1st Anton N, 2nd Jay VD and 3rd Bruce Y
Task 4
With an air start, you guessed it around Abbots hill, followed by the house behind the slime dams then the look-out tower on the far hill in the NW then across the valley to Fairview swimming pool in a strengthening NE wind and goal at the golf course, total 29km, height gains up to 3000m asl
With a very strong NE wind at lower altitude most of the field went down over the flats on the way to Fairview, 1st Anton N and Jacques B, 2nd John N and 3rd Laurence C.
All and all a very good comp with very happy pilots, great retrieve and 5 days of very good flying had by all.
Final Results
1st Karen Burger, 2nd Maryna Strydom and 3rd Nicci Ovendale
1st Anton Naude, 2nd Francois De Villiers and 3rd Jay Van Deventer
Well done everyone!