Hilton College Students

Here Are Some Photos from my Tandem-Flying Experiences in Beautiful British Columbia, Canada

We are also involved in the teaching of some of the Hilton College students to fly. These are some of the pics from our trip to Dumbe Mountain, Paulpietersburg.
Here's the whole group; From left :- Craig Churchill, Ryan Derman, Peter Van Rensburg, Neil Dermon, Rob Cook, Arthur Gemperle ( Assistant Instructor) and Tristam (Chief Instructor).
Here the boys get some ground handling practise in.
There's a lot of waiting around in this sport...
Here Neil Dermon demonstrates his perfect launch technique.
Flying time !!! Here the Dermon brothers thermal up to cloud-base. At one point they were just below the clouds, 700m above ground level.
Here we see Neil, Craig and Rob showing great form.