PPG Boogie 2004

Scoring & Photos

The Nats and Boogie was a huge success.  Many thanks to Keith Pickersgill for all the organising and work he put in, Steve McCurrach for being an excellent Meet Director and to Brian & Brenda Eaton for supplying the Venue ; Emoyeni.

It was a very exciting Comp with the scores fluctuating daily.  Tony & Keith flew incredibly well overall.  Others like Pieter Wolmarans, Rynardt Crous and Dennis McCrystal were also serious contenders for the top positions.  Billie Jennings flew unbelievably well for a Novice, achieving 5th position overall.  Billie and I were very grateful for the power our Gold Motors delivered.

For me, the highlights were :

  1. Watching how well my student Billie Jennings performed during the Comp.
  2. Test-flying the Action wing.  What an incredibly fast wing!
  3. Doing well in the accuracy tasks. I.E.  Noodle-kicking and Spot-landing.  My 1000s of free-flights obviously contributed to this.
  4. Flying into and out-running the cold front
  5. Flying over 12 giraffe at Tala.
  6. Avoiding a big dust-devil at 1 of the out-landings, and then watching it give Billie stick.
  7. Staying up for over an hour during the endurance task.
  8. Brenda's breakfasts!
  9. My frustrations during the event were:
  10. Not being able to keep up with Tony on his Action wing!
  11. My in-experience during the Nav Tasks.
  12. Getting the Clover-Leaf sequence incorrect.
  13. I learnt an incredible amount from Meet Director Steve McCurrach and the other pilots, especially Keith Pickersgill, who contributed an incredible amount of his time and energy towards this event, and about the different motors.
  14. Many, many thanks to those who participated or contributed to the event.

    Also check out the official Website at    http://www.paragliding.co.za/ppg-boogie

Here are the final scores:

Position Name Surname Province Total
1 Anthony Gibson Gauteng 4920
2 Keith Pickersgill Cape 4528
3 Tristam Burrell KZN 4221
4 Dennis M'Crystal Cape 4186
5 Billie Jennings KZN 4163
6 Pieter Wolmarans Gauteng 3992
7 Ernst Potgieter Gauteng 3192
8 Graham Schilder Cape 2910
9 Rynardt Crous Gauteng 1850
10 Bruce de Jager Gauteng 1360
11 Hendrik van Zyl Gauteng 1300
12 Wessel Greeff Cape 852
13 Edzard van Baalen Gauteng 588
14 Eugene Skea Gauteng 515
15 Johan Dempers KZN 500
16 Hennie Aucamp Gauteng 363
17 Craig Robinson Cape 0
18 Bobby Tait Gauteng 0
19 Piere vSchalkwyk   0